Knock on Primed Wood…

OK! Progress on all the things. Summer is feeling pretty good today. The carpet installation is a go, waiting on me and mom picking carpet later today, the stained glass is supposed to be installed today, the wood finished on Friday. I got the spackling done, NOT with Luna’s help…

It’s now sanded, needs another wash, then primer and paint…not first on my list at the moment. I got the paint done on the window opening for the glass that’s being installed (finally!) today…knock on wood. Primed wood. Carpet guy measured everything today; we don’t have to move ALL the furniture, which is nice. Who knows where we will sleep the first night, but hey, whatever. I think the Man has claimed the couch and we do have a blowup mattress or two. We’ll be fine. Furniture moving is first on my list for the rest of the week, then paint, if I have time before they come. Might be better to do paint after they do a bunch of work though. I don’t know. The yardwork is slow and painfully hot, as always. I found another cocoon, but this was either dead or busted out…

Hopefully the latter. Yes, this is on a trashcan. Not the best choice. Sorry guy.

Quiltwise, I’ve cut some stuff out on the big quilt…

Slow progress. Because I also finished the stitchdown (started in March) on this…

I’m going to do the stitchdown on the other one and then pinbaste both of them. Maybe later today? Today got nuts.

I got an email a couple weeks ago from another artist I follow about an exhibit she thought my work would be good for…so I printed the prospectus, which was based on a play/movie concept. I watched the movie (Chiraq) and started reading the play (Lysistrata). And then my brain fuzzed for a while, couldn’t see it, but she messaged me again with updated info, and the picture popped into my head. I love my brain for that! So last night, I spent a couple of hours listening to a ceramics course and drawing this piece…

Which has to be a specific size (of course) and related to the play/movie. I tried to keep it simple (ha!), then took a picture of the inked drawing.

Some hand embroidery going on there too. And emailed it off with a statement and samples of my other work to the organizers. Got the email this morning that I’m in! So now I get to make this sweet thing for a group called Women Pulling at the Threads of Social Discourse…I love the idea of making work in response to other types of art, in this case a play/movie. But also in response to current events. Awesome. I’m excited by this. And many thanks to the artist who thought of me.

Yes, I still have three other quilts to finish. Shush. I got this.

I did actually draw a rough sketch first, just because it was a compressed space.

I don’t always do that. But this one called for it.

Still reading the Period book…

I love this though. I draw the ovaries a lot. Ovaries and uteri. But it’s penises and vaginas I get busted for. Whatever.

I did do clay yesterday, but again, forgot to take pictures. I’m going in tomorrow to load the kiln with the winged woman…hoping she survives the kiln.

OK, so I’m waiting on glass guy (he’s on Mexican time y’all…he said ‘around noon’, which means 1 PM…cuz he’s still not here). Then carpet with mom. Then pilates. And some form of art tonight (maybe all of them!). Stitchdown, cutting out, numbering…it’s all here. I can do it all. Love that it’s summer. I needed a break from school. Really did. Whoopee!

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